When I first heard about Multipliers,many things popped up in my head, from economics, math to my prolific neighbor from India with 4 brats and pregnant wife in tow! Fortunately, none of that turned out to be the subject of Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeowan’s recently launched first book, “Multipliers: How the best leaders make everyone smarter”, already a bestseller on Amazon. For me the book's main message emerged as 2 fold: 1)While there are many smart leaders in the world, the smartest are the ones that make everyone around them feel smarter 2)The leaders #1 job, above everything else is to unleash employee potential. While our history is littered with examples of great leaders, the leadership models we know appear to have surprisingly (atleast to me!), evolved primarily over the last century. From McGregor’s work on Motivation Theory X and Y and Blake and Mouton’s Task and People Grid, to the more recently evolved work around Situational and Transformatmive Leadership. Es...
A Cafe for the discerning professional... The carefully selected menu offers comments and references on current organizational and professional trends... Lattes mostly and an occassional double shot espresso !